Fishtank on PPV.LAND

Apparently Fishtank Season 3 has ended. tl:dr; Burt won.


No recordings of the show have been created by us. We tried uploading hourly segments of each room to with limited success, however we gave up due to server issues. It should be possible if you have a good upload speed to, if anyone wants to try this in the future.

There may have been a post in the KiwiFarms thread from a user mentioning that they were recording the entire show. If an archive is released as a result of this, I'll link to it. We can help scrape season 3 archives for hosting when they are released.


We encourage other people to restream Fishtank from the direct source and believe having multiple streamers is important for stability and redundancy.

If people are divided across more sites and infrastructure, both would be less likely to fail under high load. Friendly competition is also nice.

Analytics / Numbers

Our live streams use HLS playlists, which means the video you're watching is delivered in small segments, typically 2 seconds long, downloaded one by one as they're generated. Essentially, it's like downloading multiple video files and playing them sequentially.

Because these streams consist of individual file downloads, we're able to leverage Cloudflare to cache them for smoother delivery. However, Cloudflare was not pleased with how we were using their services, especially the free plan. We managed to use 1 petabyte of traffic across two domains before they caught on and shut us down.

We've since migrated to Fastly, and things have been running smoothly ever since. While we don't have exact traffic numbers, it's estimated that the entire show consumed around 2 petabytes of traffic, with 1 petabyte being consumed during the first half on Cloudflare.


Most chat participants were active here. Join to tag along with the community.

This is separate to PPV.LAND's Discord. There is a link in the navbar if you'd like to join our Discord with no Fishtank content.


As many of you know, our season pass was unexpectedly revoked during the season. Thanks to the incredible generosity of our VIPs, we were able to purchase a new pass and get back online in just 20 minutes.

We get a lot of thanks for restreaming Fishtank, but you should direct some of your love to these VIPs who, literally, helped make this possible. List is determined by VIP users sending more than one message here.

Plug, Trump, tubals, Vance, NiggaLinkAI, Kike Slayer, [Meta] Mark, magoo, noic, tarrz, Epstein, rbun, elevate, max, CrusaderKev, ryanavfcc, uk1d, 123, treezus, drHalEmmerich, brohemia, SamHyde, BURTWATCH_OG, Vince, Kistra, gas, r, googie, maxkeeble, X, CallmeJeffy, Dylan88, pobrescobar, darklowrd, P00RKN0W, Xesly, snow, e7i, Derender, chat not connected
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